BookTrust Cymruさんのプロフィール画像

BookTrust Cymruさんのイラストまとめ

BookTrust Cymru works to inspire a love of reading in children.

Mae BookTrust Cymru’n gweithio er mwyn ysbrydoli cariad at ddarllen ymysg plant.

フォロー数:1896 フォロワー数:3302

Ydych chi wedi methu rhai o drêts cyffrous AmserGartref y BookTrust? Peidiwch â phoeni – rydyn ni’n storio pob un ohonyn nhw yn y Cwpwrdd AmserGartref ar eich cyfer!

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Have you missed some of our exciting BookTrust Cymru HomeTime treats? Don't worry - we're storing all of them in the Wales HomeTime Cupboard for you!

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Ddim yn siwr beth i'w ddarllen gyda'r plant y prynhawn glawiog hwn? Mae llawer o syniadau gwych i blant fan hyn

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Stuck for something to read with your reception child this rainy afternoon? Find great books for children here

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🐘Cuddle up with your child and enjoy having Eliffant yn Fy Nghegin! / Elephant in My Kitchen! read to you in Welsh right here:

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Hanner ffordd drwy’r wythnos! Dydd Mercher hapus i bawb...

We are halfway through the week! Happy Wednesday everyone, we hope this helps...

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Dyma lyfr hyfryd â neges wych am yr amgylchedd! Gwrandewch ar Eliffant yn Fy Nghegin! / Elephant In My Kitchen! yn cael ei ddarllen yn Gymraeg yma:

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What a lovely book with a fantastic message about the environment! Have Eliffant yn Fy Nghegin! / Elephant In My Kitchen! Read to you in Welsh here:

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Ydych chi wedi methu rhai o drêts cyffrous AmserGartref y BookTrust? Peidiwch â phoeni – rydyn ni’n storio pob un ohonyn nhw yn y Cwpwrdd AmserGartref ar eich cyfer!

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Have you missed some of our exciting BookTrust Cymru HomeTime treats? Don't worry - we're storing all of them in the Wales HomeTime Cupboard for you!

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