

CW: LOTGH CR: Kingdom

フォロー数:1238 フォロワー数:1224

Goku still has one of the best conclusions I’ve seen for a character

230 3028

The disrespect to db is crazy today so reminder it’s still one of the best shonen

59 289

Easily one of the best father son dynamics ever

36 109

Fr the buildup to his awakening and the way he handled gohans internal struggle was amazing as well

2 4

My Top 10 Dragon Ball moments
1 Goku turns super Saiyan and I am speech
2 Goku’s speech to buu
3 Father-son kamehameha
4 the conclusion
5 Trunks introduction
6 Gohan turns super saiyan 2
7 Goku’s sacrifice
8 vegeta’s sacrifice
9 kamehameha vs galick gun
10 Goku alien reveal

8 54

Fr it’s so goated and has top tier characters, some of the best plot twist,some of the highest peaks, top tier antagonist, and one of the best stretch of arcs, and toriyama was freestyling on this they hate to give my mans credit

8 95