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TEQ Vegito is the best unit in Dokkan!
PHY Super Saiyan 4 Goku & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta is the best unit in Dokkan!
AGL Super Vegeta is the best unit in Dokkan!
STR Ultimate Gohan (50% of the time) is the best unit in Dokkan!
PHY Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force) is the best unit in Dokkan!
AGL Gohan ('Teen') is the best unit in Dokkan!
PHY Thouser (Cooler's Armored Squad) is the best unit in Dokkan!
STR Jotaro Kujo is the best unit in Dokkan!
INT Hercule is the best unit in Dokkan!
STR Cell Max is the best unit in Dokkan!