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Quaken (グラグライオン)
Rank B, Brave Tribe, Earth Attribute
Origin: Yo-kai Watch 1
Soultimate: Earthshaker
Every step Quaken takes shakes the place...and some of those vibrations can even move your heart. Awwwwww!
Swelterier (あつガルル)
Rank S, Charming Tribe, Fire Attribute
Origin: Yo-kai Watch 1
Soultimate: Heat Wave
His fiery heart and body always make him feel too hot. Being near him is like being near a space heater.
Count Zapaway (りもこんかくし)
Rank C, Shady Tribe, Ice Attribute
Origin: Yo-kai Watch 2
Soultimate: Channel Changer
A Yo-kai who whisks TV remotes away on dreamy, romantic dates and then leaves them in the very strangest of places.
Usapyon Variants
Origin: Yo-kai Watch World
Rescue Usapyon (レスキュUSAピョン)
Karp Streamer Usapyon (鯉のぼりUSAピョン)
3rd Anniversary Usapyon (3周年★USAピョン)
Mizuasobi Usapyon (水遊びUSAピョン)
Oh Bah Gah! (オーバーガー)
Rank D, Tough Tribe, Lightning Attribute
Origin: Yo-kai Watch 3
Soultimate: Oh My Gawd!
A burger built by a rather excitable chef and who's prone to regular overreactions...
Demandi Variants
Origin: Yo-kai Watch World
Honmei Burriko (本命ぶりっ子)
Uraraka Demandi (うららか無茶ぶりっ子)
Summer Demandi (ひと夏の無茶ぶりっ子)
Komashura Variants
Origin: Yo-kai Watch World
Comeback Komashura (帰ってきたしゅらコマ)
Haregi Komashura (晴れ着しゅらコマ)
Forward Komashura (FWしゅらコマ)
Bocchan Komashura (ぼっちゃんしゅらコマ)
Rongo Swirll (カミナラス五郎)
Rank -, Boss Tribe
Soultimate: Storm Thunderbeat
A jazz spot hasn't made it to the big time until it's been visited at least once by this guy. It has nothing to do with the fact that he has a side job working for a pretty shady organization...
Insomni Variants
Origin: Yo-kai Watch World
Witch Insomni (魔女フゥミン)
Shunmin (シュンミン)
Love-love Insomni (ラブラブフゥミン)
Dress-up Insomni (ドレスアップフゥミン)