

when life gives you trials and tribulations just bau bau until you make it

フォロー数:896 フォロワー数:327

And these are straight out of fantasy, magnificent view. I can't wait to visit them.

Deadbeats gotta take selfie at the Death sensei statue

15 334

Yes these smiles, all those SC for the smiles. I'm ascending 🙏

24 572

"Ah but you see health inspector-san, it's not cat meat if you put quotation marks on them"

5 454

Get you a girl that can do both
That band aid makes it seem like she'll say "Teme! Yaru no ka kora?!"
Then that hand gesture is like "gokigen'yo"

5 184


5 675

Ame: obscure tweet

Teamates what is this?! get Watson on the case!

Teamates sir, Watson IS the case

5 587

As an animal enthusiast,
That shark with wolf ears look so wrong
But it's cute and the art blew me away
Damn that smirk 🤩
Fox shark looks dope 👌

2 2

Kiara loves hat so much she become the hat

1 620