

I'm a cartoonist that specialises in character design and comics.
Instagram = harpoon_valour

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:44

Sorry it's a little late but happy birthday Hope you had a good day.

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Caught a shiny mudkip (one of my favourite bois). The new buddy system is adorable.

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For the 29th October, I drew some characters from a Halloween comic I never got to finish. This is Tabatha and Josiah.

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For the 26th October, I drew my old OCs, Cody and Lucia. Cody's a ghost that likes to torment Lucia.

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For the 17th October, I made my first GIF. I did this for college.

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For the 16th October, I drew this monster thing. Her names GoGo, shes a squid, clown fish, dog, demon monster thing. She can change her colours at will but prefers to look like a emo clown fish.

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For the 12th October, I drew a limited colour pallet murkrow.

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For the 8th October, I drew monster Jack again. I've been trying to make the shading look more detailed.

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