Boui (Coms Open)さんのプロフィール画像

Boui (Coms Open)さんのイラストまとめ

I draw things ouo
Discord: bouionekenobi
There's some nsfw content here

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:362

(COM for a friend)
A serious boi thinking about things that serious bois think
(I got a fancy screen wacom, i used to draw with mouse, so if my drawings looks weird for a while, you know why)

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It's a remake of an recent one that i hated because it had a loooot of mistakes lol
The remake of that one owo/

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Maybe? :0
I don't have a ref shet :(

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Thats how i look as a pokemon o3o (?
I mean, theres no kangaroo pokemon, and the shark ones are uuugly, so :D (?

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Maaaaaaan its been some hard 10 days lol
My dad broke his arm so i had to make the paper work and i think that i lost some weight bc of the days running, i want to do more original stuff but for now here you have a simple drawing of my wolfy c: <3

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