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Bone Continet Saga(骨大陸戦記)
The kingdom of Elves sent Orcs to invade human's land.
Why did they attack Rudy's kingdom??
What is their intension?
Anyway, Rudy has no other choices to fight back.
Freya and Zikmund are in Rudy's command.
Bone Continen Saga(骨大陸戦記) in translation...
Chapter 1 Rudy was poisoned by bone wolf and was about to die. He finally came back thanks for his sister Freya taking care of him. His close friend Zikmund rode his horse day from his country.
There are a peace there but...
Bone Continent Saga(骨大陸戦記) in translation to english...
1 of main players:Princess Suzume appears from this chapter Ⅱ. She came from the kingdom of the Fires(火ノ都) to be engaged with Rudy. How will she be related to the story??
ジョジョ6部 眉間に皺寄った女好きの私にはご褒美 しかも、主人公の徐倫が美しすぎる
6部の漫画は全巻そろえたけど アニメになるとここまでキレイだとは
@takatti19 特に決めてなかったのですが
椿散る 進捗状況④
実際には鎌倉の治安そんなに悪くなかったらしいけど、ゲームと演出の都合上 恩賞未払いの経済難民が押し寄せる暗黒都市にさせてもらった…鎌倉の先人たちよ、どうか許せ