

Account of a failed artist managed in part by his Canadian paymaster. | 🐌💛

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フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:29

It's a dinosaur :O. A compy, specifically, and quite the cute one too!

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Well, if he's yanking on your shirt, must be important, right?

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Monika does a meeeeme.
Shear top version can be found on Newgrounds!

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Aaand here's the finished one because I forgot.

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The plan was perfect: rooftop insertion, sneak through the vents, rappel down to the jewel, cut the glass, take said jewel, climb back up.

The key word in that is always 'was' though, isn't it? 'Was' perfect.

Welp. Hope she can talk her way outta this one...

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The good Doctor is not very... appreciative of those digging through her private files.

Even if the person doing the digging is poor, poor Yuri.

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Y'know, when you pick up the scent of a possible paycheque, the girl with you won't always pick up the same smell...

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DJ can't handle all the technical tasks around the apartment. Some things are just bound to decay over time without a technician's careful touch.

Granted, Remi's more a surgeon, but hey, computers have guts too, don't they?

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"The belts? Oh, the hoodie was too loose without these. Sure, it cost a bit more, but I think they suit me... don't you~?"

Atlantica, trying on a style she'd heard about from the lovely Brass, who's been pretty enamored with the 'hoodie and mask' look for a long time now.

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A smug grey elf leading a smug life. Screw all humans, grey elves best.

A portrait of Marii from a D&D campaign I was a part of with artfriend, was good fun! Other portraits will likely pop up as uploads continue.

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