

Artist available for work | Digital 2D artist | Dutch | YT partner/Twitch Aff | Pan Non-binary | She/They | CFS/Fibro | Neuro Divergent

フォロー数:279 フォロワー数:847

That was a great stream & woops I streamed for over 5,5 hrs ahahaha! It's a good sign though (& I'm more comfy in my chair). I love this game

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I haven't had durian for 2 years 😭😭😭

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I've finally updated my channel mascot after promising myself to do so for a year. On the right you can see the original that I created one Summer's day whilst delerious from fever and decided it was time to create them for the channel 🤣

2017 vs 2020

What do you think?

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Welcome to the cool kids 30s club ! 🥳

Hope you had a great day!

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Today I drew 😊

Looking forward to what you have in store for us this year!

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still learning after only having done digital art for a year, my strong suit is realism, but I do try to practice other styles when I have the energy (I have CFS).

1 15

That time I drew Arin with purple and pink long hair.

I was really happy with this. I wonder why no one liked it?
( Not pity dicking, just genuinely wondering)

Please let me know.

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