

23 • 🏳️‍⚧️ • she/they • ✨artist✨ •🌿 nature enthusiast •☕ hopeless coffee romantic • I just draw what makes me happy tbh 😌 • meow

フォロー数:556 フォロワー数:870

And there you have it, the present! Still making it happen one piece at a time!

Thank you all so much for joining me on this little blast of the past, looking forward to what the future has in store for us!

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Furthermore, commissions relaunched!

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All while this was happening, BrandaBob slowly faded from the public eye, and in his place we got the fresh but familiar Brandy persona :3

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Found myself way more motivated than I had been in years, felt good to not feel sorry for myself and just make shit I enjoy

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2022 - The comeback days

By the turn of the new year I decided to give art another go, and it was then I finally realized just how... happy it made me

Like for years I took it all for granted, but coming back to it was such a breath of fresh air

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If nothing else, I got more comfortable with digital art software, prior to this I would only use it sparingly

But yeah, this is the rest

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2020 - The dark days

This would mark the beginning of a personal decline in output, as both the pandemic and my worsening mental health led me to fall out of art for a while

Before it got too severe, here's some of what I managed to finish

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At last, the final 2019 pieces, additionally this was the last time I would do a piece in colored pencil and ink

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At this time I was dabbling in charcoal and some abstract expression, moodier than my usual stuff for sure

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'Celery and Cheese' to this day is my favorite pre-2022 piece, definitely wanna try my hand at piece with that kind of perspective again

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