Brandy Snap 🇺🇦さんのプロフィール画像

Brandy Snap 🇺🇦さんのイラストまとめ

PStuff. Wonga botherer. Sausage roll Jesus maker. The odd ad. Yorkie. European.

フォロー数:555 フォロワー数:1602

It's a little known fact that Eric Pickles received his knighthood for services to the genre of Nordic Noir.

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BREAKING> Eric Pickles to receive knighthood for services to London re the Thames Flood Barrier secondary defence.

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Morning! Love this cartoon by the talented Mr

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Awoken to find Iain Duncan Smith still in charge of the poor, the disabled and the unemployed. Well done, Cameron.

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I'm because…because I've been listening to this… and because the subtext is THIS >>

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Before you vote remember this man is in charge of the poor, the disabled and the unemployed.

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Meanwhile, at Tory High Command a feisty Cameron takes personal control over the 'small businesses letter' fiasco...

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This bit of art for 'The Week' is raaaather good.

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