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First look at Brenda's new She-Hulk form. Annnd...PRRF! =O.O=
She looks rather good like this! =O.O=
....and I think she's aware of this. *Prrfles, blushes deep* =>.>=;;;
(art by @Skippy_Lynn )
Brenna showing how I typically feel during the season's first snowstorm. ^^;
(Of course, given Brenna's typical size, you can imagine various things shaking all around her as she romps around - trees, cars, etc... =>.>=;; )
Wing-it done by @EntropyStar. Prrf! ^^;;
Oooh, right. It's #TransAwarenessWeek =O.O=
And I'm actually a part of it this year. Officially, anyway. =>.>=;;
Prrrf! ^^;;;
(Art by @Skippy_Lynn and @emithegoat, respectively ^^; )
@Xilimyth ............................#ThisIsWhatThePrrflerDealsWith