BrettUltimus 🎲🦝さんのプロフィール画像

BrettUltimus 🎲🦝さんのイラストまとめ

🟢Latest Project @WSDFishing
📘Lead Designer @io_publishing
🦝Raccoon DM of the World of IO (he/him)
📧Biz: [email protected]
#️⃣ #ttrpg #dnd5e

フォロー数:396 フォロワー数:21383

The Miss Demeanor CONTINUES in an hour! (4pm EST/1pm PST) - A spectral warlord has arrived on the scene with a ship flying in the clouds! Captain Armstrong is ready to clash swords with the fiend - but is he ready?


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Introducing - Sachi Ko - played by ! You can see him along with Gmart, Lawlman, and Octopimp at tomorrow's premiere session of All King - our next D&D Campaign in the World of Io!

See you all tomorrow at 6pm EST/3pm PST on my Twitch Channel!

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MUTUALS (and non mutuals)
I'm seeking a few more players who are interested in playing a D&D Merchant/Blacksmith campaign for the World of Io. If you're interested - shoot me a DM! (rts appreciated - also @ those you think may be interested!)

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Introducing - Capt. Armstrong played by ! A retired pirate living off the coast of Thresheart - he lives his life peacefully, but seeks out adventure.

The Miss Demeanor airs TOMORROW on my twitch - Saturday - August 1st at 4pm EST/1pm PST!

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Introducing - Alice - played by !

A young magic student of mysterious origins - he comes crashing down through the Miss Demeanor from the sky above.

The first session of The Miss Demeanor airs Saturday, August 1st at 4pm EST/1pm PST over on my twitch channel!

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Looking to setup and maintain a VOD channel for all of your previous broadcasts?
Hit me up! DMs are open.
Don't need one? RT this to get the message out there. Thanks again!

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THIS WEDNESDAY AT 6PM EST on - the D&D show where YOU Co-DM - Return to the Nine Hells with your players: , , and ! Be sure to follow !

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