

Correspondent for @teleSURenglish TV news program "From the South". Native Chicagoan who has lived 28 years in Brazil. Editor of "Year of Lead".

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The hastag (coward) is trending today in Brazil, with thousands of people criticizing Bolsonaro for fleeing the country.

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A new study shows that in 2020, in 6 Brazilian states, Bahia, Ceará, Piauí, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, police killed 2653 people. 82.7% of them were Afro-Brazilian.

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TV personality Luciano Huck rose to fame on the backs of fetish models Tiazinha and Feiticeira. He supported the 2016 coup and is a neoliberal "outsider" who's never held public office. Last week he was introduced at a business luncheon in Davos as "The next President of Brazil".

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