

Mostly Warcraft and Fantasy OCs. Lover of art and artists.
Being dorky since 94.

フォロー数:1791 フォロワー数:142

She's from a noble family so she gets propositions from other families, but she's deadset against it. Anything from another noble family would feel fake and manufactured. On the other hand she scares off anyone else she has a crush on because she analyzes them. Cont -->

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Grats on the 1.5K. To another 1.5.

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This is Yotul, my Mag'har Shaman. When she was young, she fended of a Garn, but not before it clawed her left eye. Her vision with that eye is cloudy and muddled on a good day.

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My Mag'har Shaman, Yotul.

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This is my OC Emryll. She comes from a line of Druids but had no magical aptitude for it. Instead she's an Astromancer who controls space.

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