

Welcome to Brick-Morpork, the greatest city on the plastic Discworld! A community for fans of LEGO and Sir Terry Pratchett

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What do you get if you blend Terry Pratchett's Discworld with the animation styling of the talented ? Pure insanity and brilliance!!

11 113

"What did I tell you about Mister Safety Catch?' said Vimes weakly.
When Mister Safety Catch Is Not On, Mister Crossbow Is Not Your Friend,' recited Detritus, saluting."

- Night Watch -

Thanks to "tile.n.dye" on IG posting a great Ballista build, Detritus now has "Piecemaker"!

14 377

"Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one.

But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten."

- Mort -


46 356

And if you look at just the right angle...

1 133

It's the day of the Royal wedding here at ! With the Elves appearing in Lancre, what could possibly go wrong..?


17 343

"Yes, Archchancellor?"
"You ain't a member of some secret society or somethin', are you?"
"Me? No, Archchancellor."
"Then it'd be a damn good idea to take your underpants off your head."

- Lords and Ladies -

Art Credit:

17 243

"You're wondering, after all this excitement, has it got enough flame left? And, y'know, I ain't so sure myself..."

He leaned forward, sighting between the dragon's ears, and his voice buzzed like a knife blade: "What you've got to ask yourself is: Am I feeling lucky?

- GG -

14 239

'Carrot, I think you’ve got something wrong with your head,’ said Angua.
‘I think you may have got it stuck up your bum.' 

- Feet of Clay -

Art credit:

24 338

... all the time. So a thousand heroes have stolen fire from the gods. A thousand wolves have eaten grandmother, a thousand princesses have been kissed. A million unknowing actors have moved, unknowing, through the pathways of story. [...]

One upon a time ...

3 65

People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it’s the other way around. Stories exist independently of their players. If you know that, the knowledge is power. Stories, great flapping ribbons of shaped space-time, have been blowing and uncoiling around the universe...

18 227