

Illustrator -Board Game Designer - Progressive Thinker - Problem Solver.

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I love being part of a creative process, especially when the people I'm working alongside have the same level of passion about trying to push that project to the max. Wes Woodbury's Die in the Dungeon is one such project.

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Oh there are quite a few, here's a small example...

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Latest developments on a commissioned game, Herrlof by Jolly Dutch Productions. I think these are really starting to work. A small sample of the 36 viking cards created.

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A bit of fun playing with character designs...

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So excited! Just ordered a Cintiq 16, after years of wanting a screen tablet I'm finally getting one. Time to throw out my old Intuos. Hopefully, this is one tool that will improve my illustrations....

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1 year ago, I decided to try my hand at developing a board game. 1 year later I'm about to sign my 2nd publishing deal, working on numerous games for other publishers and the 1st kickstarter I did some artwork for has just reached 1000% funding.

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Stan Lee, wow, rest in peace.

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Next island complete. Nearly finished the entire board design.

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So nearly finished. I'll need another week to finish up the item and event cards, sort out the instruction book etc and then I'm ready for play-testing. Pretty much completed the board and delivery count-down. I've mocked it all together. Let me know what you think?

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