

Just some eldritch blob that likes doodlin' robots, fantasy stuff and other dumb shit. I doodle when I feel like it. Occasionally Suggestive.

フォロー数:1132 フォロワー数:1433

Day 10 of - Cross. They try to deceive us. To blend in with our own. But our own are already dead and now wear their skin. I will not be fooled again.

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Day 9 of - Flesh. I don't know the circumstance to this things creation. Was it cursed or just born this way? Hope to never find out.

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Day 8 of - Smile. "Laugh! Smile! For tomorrow, we may die." He told me this before carrying on, chuckling to himself. Place attracts all-sorts I suppose...

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Day 7 of - Haunted. These old automatons shouldn't be working in any sense of the word. They lack power cores so... something else is keeping them animate.

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Day 6 of - Hollow. When I looked away from these things, I'm sure I heard whispers. When I returned to look, they weren't where they originally stood...

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Day 5 of - Eyes. It's more unnerving than it is a threat. On account of it just watching single thing you do. Always watching.

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Day 4 of - Fingers. It certainly says a lot about the world I live in when I can tell you this: This is the most mundane thing I've seen all week.

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Day 3 of - Holes. This wretched creature has become host to a number of parasitic worms, barely left alive. It serves as a hive to these creatures, who go as far as replacing entire limbs they've consumed.

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Day 2 of - Teeth. They always described this "collector" as a fae little creature. I envy those that remain in the comfort of the lie.

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Welp, played around with some doodlin' before bed. Gotta get that Creeptober practice.

Sleep well. c:

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