

VRChat Raves, Blender and Unity, thoughts.

Avatar base: Sharlen

Believe it or not, blue is my favorite color.

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Work in progress. This is gonna be a learning experience in sculpting clothing folds into something and baking the details into a normal map in substance painter. I've been told that's the way to go so hopefully it works out!

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For those curious, the main inspiration for my avatar is this reoccurring enemy from Castlevania.

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Quick project tonight after remembering how much I liked Polnareff's earrings in part 3.

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Redoing my Lena once again, but much better this time. Making it user-friendly for myself.

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Virtual Self vs. IRL

generated using (and some hue shift in GIMP)

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When you need to lower your ponytail but you're wearing a hat anyway

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