

That Scottish/Canadian/Welsh dood who plays too many games. Part time Banchou

フォロー数:1297 フォロワー数:966

This made my day
Your Ram's especially, big cute energy

51 799

is a cool guy and a very good boy who drew it (along with Hilda for Wau and Tsubaki for Eagle)

0 3

Lucks back

0 2

What people think Ragna players want vs what they actually want

27 67

Out of boredom comes the Blazblue version of "bullshit!"

6 17

Reply to this tweet and you'll have to pick your favourite 4 from the topic I choose for you

I got Lancer

0 5

Same for Romani and Da vinci in FGO who borderline act like a married couple

1 4

Imos all around
Kurogane and Seth are in Jp is noticably better
Teddie is in both are annoying
Heart I'm not sure yet

3 6