

Just a witch with multiple interests. AroAce/29/Her. “witchysolfan” on Tumblr and have story concept snippets and short Drabble/rambles on my ideas there.

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:2389

Didn’t realize I haven’t posted these here yet. Zgxhxhchchc

19 182

Orb!Moon and Sam from Somniphobia story.

Orb!Moon becomes Dad to Sammy boy

4 90

“She will search this wide world over,
But she’ll never find another sweet man like me”
~St. James Infirmary

9 131

A black cat crossed the scarecrow’s path and he decided to give her a Halloween kiss

2 70

Fan animatic I did with Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe

42 516

Kill the Lights AU

Where I had an urge to draw big hairy wolf

3 58

I’m not sure if I uploaded this here can’t remember but here it is. Security Team.

13 88

Some ghost kids reuniting with Moon who is no longer infected

10 80