

フォロー数:517 フォロワー数:249

I love Riccardo Federici art man

4 7

I actually love this lineup. Just switch Cyborg for Vixen and Aquaman for Dr. Light.

4 19

For the past 10+ years, this is all we've seen of the character and it's fucking tiring and annoying!

29 280

Good fucking lord. I'm so tired of this fucking bullshit. Nothing good came out of the mother box origin turning Cyborg into a fully cybernetic. Once again, no character work is given to him but instead is used for a plot device. At the expense of Batman no less. Fucking tiring.

86 581

I will never get over Phil Jimenez putting Bronze Tiger in the front 😁

8 34

The plot was lost

6 45

Post-Crisis WW is missed severely

6 9

Nightshade: House of Eden

1 3

This costume thoooo

80 583