

I'm just some dude that likes looking at art and commenting on it.
Ailases: Ping, Spider, Bubbly, BubblySpider.
i post the funni shitpost with low effort 😎

フォロー数:243 フォロワー数:291

What if Ping had a leash? 😳
(Art by )

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Ebic art post of mi sona Ping.
The first was made by Zash, next is flushed ping made by a friend on discord named Almarya, third made by RhythmoFox (good boye) and last is femboy Ping (😓) by Kiwi

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When you get all the coins in the run vs. When you just miss one coin

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When you realize it's your birthday tomorrow, but realize that no one actually cares

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When someone makes an Auschwitz joke on your profile and you start contemplating whether or not to block them

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