

here i am

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Hello my name is Peter and I'm a young artist still figuring stuff out about art :D

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Hello my name is Peter and I'm a young artist still figuring stuff out about art :D

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Hello, still a young artist figuring out his way in the Art's :D

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Hello, I am Peter, young artist that is till figuring out things about art, but I already now I want to do this in the future :D

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My first commission for a friend :D

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Hello I am Bucket, and I like to draw :D

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Hello :3 my name is Peter and I like to draw my little olw with a bucket on her head :D

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A background for my phone :3

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Hello, My name is Peter, I am 16 and I love to draw (like evrybody here) I am still experemanting with my art, soo I don't have a defind art style yet but I am working on it :3 I recently remade one of my old artworks from 9 momths ago and i could realy see my progres.

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