

(。 ͡°‿‿ ͡°。 ) んなぁ~
メイドインアビス / Made in Abyss

フォロー数:371 フォロワー数:7859

Not really been feeling it lately, need more confidence in my art. Only been doing little doodles when responding to people. Sorry for the dry spell.

35 135

I made some drawings showing how to draw Nanachi at 3 different angles with different steps, using shapes and wire skeletons. Later I will post it with some written steps to follow. I'm not great at this kind of thing but it should help anyone who might want to use it.

14 83


It's almost turkey day! I hope everyone has a good !

97 220

Quick revision, forgot the glow from Bondrew'd helmet. I'm tired 😅

18 55

Streamer bun, just a rough crop. Nanachi Minecraft let's-play?

36 116

新しいSTAR WARSゲームは楽しそうです

Darth Bondrewd VS Fluffy-Bun Kenanachi
"Oya oya~ The apprentice returns to challenge the master. Subarashii~!"

38 131

Hey how you doin lil mama let me whisper in ya ear

ok goodnight

4 44

More sketchy bun, slight angle practice

22 109

