

(。 ͡°‿‿ ͡°。 ) んなぁ~
メイドインアビス / Made in Abyss
@tatososu is the wife💖💖

My other accs and spicy stuff can be found here:

フォロー数:372 フォロワー数:7876

Little doodle for Dwain and Skalelsky of their nanas

38 285

I'M LATE BUT Merry Christmas to my dear 🥰💝 Nnaa!!

69 378

Cold Nanachi, warm cocoa

174 946

Nanachi makes an astute observation

218 1013

Gonna alternate between SFW and NSFW posts for a while. Also that pic of Nanachi's back will have multiple versions

11 186

I love drawing angles that show Nanachi's back fluff stripe

28 323