

cute artist wannabe, bunnygirls afficionate, please play my favourite rpg 🐇✨
header by: @Leikdaz22

フォロー数:1854 フォロワー数:1624

mg mg, Ringo is so cute, just like, all th buns, love for Ringo.

20 74

More Tewi, this time made on Aseprite... also, i need to buy Aseprite... so, i want to do comission for that, but... would some help? or just throw away that idea for now? because, i not have much time to do something about it, BECAUSE ALSO I NEED TO PAY MY INTERNET AAAAAAAAAAHH.

17 48

Kogasa is cute, i like kogasa, you like kogasa too, everyone likes kogasa... i think

11 33

shigu boi meets the true devil

6 14

The next draw should be a chilean Tenshi dancing queca. But now! this girl
without context owo

8 17

I just enjoy drawing Sakuya, somehow it's fun.

5 16

Termine esto hace como una semana~

3 6

Una Cirno con todo el chilenismo posible, me gusto como quedo.

2 4