

Yes Bees do have Knees || Artist || Multifandom || 👾 || 🇮🇳🇺🇸 ||

フォロー数:275 フォロワー数:1139

Yeah I’m actually with family rn. I’ve been here since 3:30, it’s almost 9.
I basically need to pack up my laptop in my backpack lol. Thanks hon I’ll be crashing when I get home hehe💖

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WOOO HELLO JAY!!! And hello y’all I’m Bees, I make art mhm! Very close to 550 so maybe hit that follow button?👀 I’m a boober and wildcard so look out💖💅🏼

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Bro wtf-
That’s creepy as hell :(
If ya ever need a safe space I’m here for ya💖 I can’t believe people >:(

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Bro I’m so sorry this happens to you:(
I can’t believe people are like this, it isn’t your SMP and that’s not the way to join anything!!! Lots of hugs to you Ray💖

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Bro it was so fun! A little lag is fine and now you know for next time. Lag was pretty funny and I really can’t wait for another one! Don’t beat yourself up too much hon <3

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Totally dude! Take time for yourself and heal at your own pace💖 take time to get away from stuff that upsets you and take care of yourself <3

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Hello I’m Bees, I’m an artist, I make art, please consider following cux it’s free and you can always change your mind

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