

I am a very tired person who likes to draw. freelance artist. stay hydrated and hug an eldritch horror.

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Just give the ol’

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Hey do you like art? Well gee fuckin willikers do I have news for you! Hi I’m Nova and I draw things. What kind of things? Lots of things! I draw D&D things, original story things, fan art, pay me 20$ and I’ll draw whatever you want!

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Hello I’m nova, my advice is make what you want to see more of in media

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Hello, my name is Nova. Nice to meet you all :) I draw many things but mostly original works of mine, i really like drawing my dnd characters and designing characters in general. (Only one picture because twitter won’t let me add more) have a good day/night

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Hey do you like Do you need splashes, banners or other types of artwork done for you? Well you’re in luck because I just lowered all of my prices to half of what they were so now you get a full body drawing with colour and shading for 10$ or portraits for 6$ woow

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Ahem it’s half past time I tell how much I love them

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