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@FMdelaC @vonderleyen @VDombrovskis @JuttaUrpilainen @zoyashef @Malena_Bucheli @annaedwardsnews @LotteLeicht1 @gbaczynska @JenniferMerode @flacqua @MKarnitschnig @jchatterleyCNN @CarolineKende #DayoftheGirl Illustration: The Human Cost of a Capuccino by @fantochadas shows a poor girl carrying on her head the weight of the multi-billion dollar profits of the coffee industry. >100 million poor girls work, they cannot study or play as all girls & boys have the right to
Millones de niños trabajan para la industria del café debido al cruel modelo de negocio que las multinacionales y los países desarrollados se atreven a llamar JUSTO & ÉTICO. Solo costaría #10CtsPorTaza erradicar la pobreza y el trabajo infantil. Ilustración por Fo. @lanegrisgt
Important question for journalists in Germany: How many cents per cup of #Fairtrade coffee are the profits for the poor coffee farmers? ZERO! Coffee growers subsidize the profits of multinationals, while Germany collects €2,19 per Kg in #Kaffeesteuer #InternationalCoffeeDay2020
@derspiegel @washingtonpost @seattletimes @C4Dispatches @LouisPosern @SebastianAFP @MEudesAFP @s_chauveauAFP @Jane_Reuters @MichelReuters @DanFlynnReuters @jonsnowC4 @SallyBundockBBC @BBCBenWright Millions of children work for the coffee industry due to a cruel business model that multinationals and developed nations dare to call FAIR & ETHICAL. It would cost only @10CentsPerCup to eradicate poverty & child labor. Illustration created by Fo for #365DaysAgainstChildLabor
@MsWonderHeather Everyone, including @antonioguterres, must compensate growers with at least @10centsPerCup of coffee, tea and cocoa to eradicate misery and child labor in the rural communities that produce for all of us and to fast-track rural development #SDGs #Agenda2030 @richardquest @abarden
@FMdelaC @EC_magazine @ClareCarlile @AngeAboa @Reuters @JavierZurita_ @Micha_Frazer @kt_grant @OfeliadePablo @anniekelly @SimonBirchSays @whatbutlersaw @NickMathiason @ClaudiaWebbe @caesardotcom @ConsumerSOS @starwatchtim @barrydavistv Lisa Fuller, @Reuters, reported wages of US$0.14/day in @Fairtrade & RainforestAlliance tea. @PeterWhoriskey WashPost wrote: "certified farms in Ivory Coast were more likely than other farms to have child laborers". Teixeira @ffctt Reuters confirmed slavery in certified coffee
Dear @ClareCarlile @EC_magazine, In his testimony at the European Parliament @angeaboa, @Reuters correspondent for West & Central Africa, said certifications #Fairtrade, UTZ & #RainforestAlliance are the biggest scam of the century! @JavierZurita_ @Micha_Frazer @kt_grant #BLM
Ist die EU jene Region der Welt, die aus der #Kinderarbeit und der extremen Armut im Kaffee und im Kakaosektor den größten Nutzen zieht @PaulZiemiak @ABaerbock #Weltkindertag @HenrikeRossbach @GydeJ
@KerstinPalzer @hand_aufs_hirn @enormgruen @DrAndreasNick @Jan_Doerner @buelend
Die EU jene Region der Welt, die aus der #Kinderarbeit und der extremen Armut im Kaffee und im Kakaosektor den größten Nutzen zieht. @PaulZiemiak @ABaerbock #Weltkindertag @HenrikeRossbach @GydeJ @KerstinPalzer @hand_aufs_hirn @enormgruen @DrAndreasNick @Jan_Doerner @buelend