

Python, 23, she/him, I really really like minecraft.

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:86

Ive got this weird cat if ya like lol

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I really want art of this bean but I was in like that specific soft round-ish "emo dog" style that I see sometimes but it seems like artists who do that style are few and far between

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I just really love this new design for Python 🥺

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Here's a Python :)

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I've got a strawberry here :)

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Ive got a strawberry here that needs a name. Y'all got any ideas?

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Would someone who is good with mc skins want to make an mc skin of one of these ocs? I want something different that isn't tied to my past mc experiences

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I got two awesome sketchy headshots from @/CampCorgi
Amazing quality for a great price! I highly recommend ^^

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Im thinking of doing something like this. Lighten the color palette and change the backstory/personality + retcon a lot of lore

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I have acquired a strawberry. I desire art of the strawberry

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