

Au'Ra enthusiast. Prays to the Omnissiah.

WoW Rper; Valaranthea, Wither Away
Mataeus Rper; Azaka Kylanthia, Wither Away

フォロー数:817 フォロワー数:147

Yellow eye gang rise up!!

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I present, Azaka, Valaranthea (Draenei) and Wither Away!

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I FREAKING LOVE LIZARDS! This is Azaka Kylanthia, writer, scholar, part time teacher. She is loving, wholesome, and obsessed with books like the nerd she is. She is working on opening a book Cafe and has her own books on the shelfs!!

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Ahem. Her. Hmmm her favorite desert..... Mudpie because she loves mud in all ways, even just the name.

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I offer a humble lizard girl.

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Here are two cuties. Azaka and Wither Away!

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Pick your poison, I have dozens.

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Sure let's jump in on this.

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Whole squad pulling up to cheer you up.

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