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That is totally a Rika answer right there. Are you in Eva's body more then you should be? XD. Cause Rika rubs off on everyone XD

0 5 I'm going to go back to XV. UI Rika is about to be a thing lol. Jeaz it's been like over a year.

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Giantess Eva Is BACK AGAIN along with Sakura and WHO?
Click the video to see this crazy episode.

Featuring the super talented VA as the voice of Eva and Lilly

Art by

Be sure to follow both of these amazing creators! ^^

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Meh I'm half demon....banter turns to me making her disappear then her fans are chasing me. But it turns out they are beating up Celina..and I have to crush them one wins ..and I have bloody shoes. XD

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Haha thanks for finding us. Feel free to check out our stuff. I just don't like match ups. Jenny of course was going to win. She has a bigger footprint on Twitter. Just like how I have a bigger footprint on YouTube. Loves no match ups for popularity.

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