

18+ This is the official Twitter Page for Chaotic Helleaven,DIMINISHED, & Gal-Normous the Manga,LN & Youtube Series!……

フォロー数:2851 フォロワー数:8347

Awesome take. I only hope as all our platform grows we are truly able to help content creators/normal people that have the drive to be amazing. Or just need a helping hand. Like Mr Beast does.

Also love how some random haters reply back to be the "opposite argument" types just…

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Oh crap I forgot about that. I turned my head and I'm how is it 3am already.


Time to sleep lol. I done lost my hour.

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We just hit two sized Milestones in the same week!

Thank you all SO MUCH for 30,000+ Subscribers on YouTube and over 3 million Views!

Our goal for this year is to close in at around 50k & we know with your help we can do it!

We couldn't have…

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Welcome to the club of content creators who have no choice in the matter xD

I signed up last month its been fine. The amount of likes is about the same as before. But hey Check mark! :P

Let's hope Elon makes it more worth it. The longer tweet thing is fine I guess.

1 10

"The twitter song"

"Fight Fire With Gasoline"

I'll piss you off just to pass some dead time

Terrible lies make the real big men cry

It ain't the size of the dog in this fight

Sneak in and take a peak, story of the week

Listen kids, now you all play nice (Yay!)

If it ain't…

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Nah bro cry all you want. Congrats man. This world has turned to a butch of scams that are supposed to be for the betterment of ourselves.

Homes, education, even food itself is called in to question lately.

We all gotta stop fighting each other and get together to stop the evil…

1 12

Some of the Human race legit wants to end itself at this point.

Problem is those of us that like living need to find these death wanters and toss them in a hole.

They wanna kick it anyway! Let's help them out!

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