

This is the official Twitter for Chaotic Helleaven & our 7 manga series! Sign up to our patreon to see UNCUT CONTENT!……

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Twitter is so funny. You can't say what you really think for fear of being cancelled. So I'll talk about her design right now. I'm not a fan of her "design" her "design" isn't apeeling to her former look. You can look bad ass and still look awesome. Example here

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Oh when I hear about stuff like this I always go. Not really a big deal. It's important you know the translation is off but subs have been like this way before Funi and CR where a thing.

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I said it before and I'll say it again

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But american dad was a republican! AHHHH!!! XD

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No is going to chip her tooth. That taco STALE!!

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