

Spin | Adult | He/him | Bigender Lesbian | Mammoth | Furry and fan artist I I like drawing GNC characters and obnoxious neons | Personal @ELEPHANTB0NES

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:485

more badges from amino, again dont know FA or twitter

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badges from furry amino, im not sure of an FA or twitter for any of these

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commission from furry amino, not sure if they have twitter

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Commission for someone on furvilla!

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So I'm gonna be blunt; I got fired from my well paying job and now am making 700$ a MONTH. My rent is around 600$. I'm trying to find second part time job but until then things are very tight. I will be selling waist ups for 15$ and fullbodjes for 20$, pls rt

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pizza pasta put it in a box (request for )

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One more thing that's recet enough trailcutter horse

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