

31/ Part time artist. Onis, tomboys, gungirls, and shitposts beyond this point. Same as it ever was.

フォロー数:995 フォロワー数:911

Had to wash my eyes after seeing this one ngl.

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Seeing the way people defend "Smug Legend" is literally why I always hesitated on exposing or going the person I have previous drama with.
They just have too many orbiters that will defend her and attack small accounts like mine without hesitation.
But I think about it..a lot.

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We're gonna need more cake...
My gift for my Secret Santa.
Honestly feel like I over referenced for this.. ehh

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2009 vs 2019
Just started drawing again last year after a long hiatus since 2009/10. That's a lot of missed practice.. But in just a year I have managed to improve quite a bit and get a small following of people, like myself, that appreciate a good Oni girl!

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I am convinced without any doubt that K-pop "stans" are insane. Sure I'd joke about it before but after checking the last few trending hashtags, what more proof do I need?
There is devotion to a fandom, then there is pure obsession.

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Small update. Left that job I had recently gotten, probably a bit too soon but I am currently in the process of getting my old job back. Will only have to work 3-4 days a week, giving me time to draw and possibly find a therapist. So that's a relief. To that I drink!

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Tis' the season to be BREAD.
Credit to for the edit.

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Fever of 102F, but I'm still gonna make the best of it.

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