CJ Blackさんのプロフィール画像

CJ Blackさんのイラストまとめ

A huge nerd, and friendly neighborhood asshole who dreams to craft worlds into our reality. I also part-time as a degenerate sometimes too.

フォロー数:858 フォロワー数:860

So I divorced Diaochan by way of restarting things due to not remembering to save the damn game! But in all honesty, it was probably for the best because I didn't really feel like she was a compatible partner for my character. Honestly, I feel Lianshi would be better for me.

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Okay, so I've looked over the roster and have narrowed down the potential wives candidates to 4 candidates. Who do you guys think would make the best wife for the Dynasty Warriors CJ Black; the "Black Dragon"? In order; Cai Wenji, Lianshi, Guan Yinping, or Diaochan?

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What do Reylo, Catradora and Bumbleby all have in common? They're all ships/pairings loved by a good chunk of their fanbases, despite the canon writing for them portraying them as very toxic and very poorly written when you actually open your eyes and look at them.

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Heading to bed, but I forgot to tell you all, the controller came in and I've downloaded 5 games on the PS4. Those games are Genshin Impact, Let it Die, Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2, Dynasty Warriors Empires (Free Alliances Version) & Warframe. Later, fun will be had.

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Hehe, I'm so happy I met you.

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Okay, so yesterday I brought up the theory that RWBY hasn't done anything concrete with bumbleby because of China, and the more I think about it...the more it makes sense! Especially when you remember dub changes & they never had Saphron & Terra so much as kiss.

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Okay, in 1 corner we have Oma Zi-O, the dark overlord who wields the power of every single rider in existence in Kamen Rider, and in the other corner we have Ironmouse(Satan) who wields the powers of hell, anime and Super Sentai.

Who's winning this deathbattle? Vote below 👇🏾

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This latest Deathbattle has made me realize just how bad the powerscaling and fights in RWBY post Beacon actually are & how much weaker our main characters look because of it. Hell, I can honestly see Ruby, Weiss & Blake's younger selves kicking their current ones' asses.

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So according to the logic of Deathbattle, the Cenitaur grimm that curbstomped Blake in V8 but then got one-shot by a woozy & tired Ruby, is apparently at a higher combat level than Mikasa Ackerman...let that sink in. Deathbattle is full of shit.

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The moment you realize the main antagonist of Yugioh's Battle City arc wasn't that threatening of an opponent without his bullshit shadow game powers screwing with people during his duels. Without those, Yami Marik is actually pretty manageable when think about it.

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