Chris Leverettさんのプロフィール画像

Chris Leverettさんのイラストまとめ

K-12 special needs art teacher by day, illustrator of people, animals, & fantasy RPG characters by night and different day. he/him. Instagram @cleverettart 👋😁

フォロー数:525 フォロワー数:575

Thank you forever and always for tagging me my friend. Here are some of my recent faves, first of which is my beloved Elkfolk Wildmagic Barbarian Rudolfo Del Rosso, who will be featured in the upcoming Squid Menace stream run by on ’s Twitch channel.

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Say there, thanks for the tag friend! Beautiful work, you give me a run for my money in the vibrant color palette game.

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Howdy howdy, thanks for the zone and thanks for the tag in. Here are some examples of my goods and services. First of which are some of what I’ve made along with on our Curious Creations Twitch stream we should be getting back to this Thursday 3pm EST.

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Wait a sec, I thought I was the only one that knew about the “knowing glance over the shoulder” pose! Beautiful work though my friend, so much personality. Here are some examples of characters that I’ve worked on that are glancing back knowingly. Works every time.

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Thanks Ina, sorry I haven’t been super active around these parts lately, I’ve been working on some self improvement. Here’s some of the fantastical weirdees I’ve gotten to work on though.

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The beacon has been lit, thank you for calling for aid Ina. I’ve included a collection starting with some crazy concoctions crafted on ’s and my Curious Creations stream, followed by some crews commissioned by cool kids.

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Thank you my friend, pardon my absence while I’ve been completing a project that I’m excited to share very soon. Here are a couple samples of previous commissions as well as the first 2 from ’s and my Curious Creations stream we’ll be back to this Thursday 3pm EST.

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We got weird this year and love it! With all the D&D race options, plus the endless possibilities of homebrew, I can’t remember the last human I made a portrait of, I’m looking at you D&D movie 👈👀

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Thank you thank you kind Bella! The most exciting project I have to shout out is ’s and my Curios Creations Twitch stream every other Thursday where combine our skills to concoct original fantasy characters. We had join us last time to create some beauties.

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Big love to for joining me & on our Curious Creations Twitch stream yesterday! It was a blast seeing what we came up with on separate randomly generated monsters and then doing the same one. It’s always a joy to hang with Matthew and to see what he creates.

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