

Trying my best. Banner by friend @88Vedran88

フォロー数:595 フォロワー数:161

7/10 cool but a little underwhelming. Wanda ate that shit up though. Elizabeth Olsen performance was👌🏾

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Really been loving the "Stop the generational trauma and family harm" theme of movies lately. Probably many more I've haven't seen

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I don't think demon slayer is terrible, it's good but rengoku is so vastly better than every character in the show it's crazy

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Darker than black. Season 2 is garbage but 1st season is top 10 anime

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I love too many characters the 4th could be so many but I'll go with Duo Lon

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I played my first fighting game which is Mk9. I don't like nrs games anymore but that was the start. Then I learned how fighting games worked with Guile In sf4 but Sakura is my main/favorite character. Didnt know much or play much KOF at the time I just knew I really liked Ash.

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7. Kan ra. This is just 100% my character play style wise I love him. And cool voice lines

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