Cody Savoie ☕️さんのプロフィール画像

Cody Savoie ☕️さんのイラストまとめ

Cajun Voice Actor ⚜️ ‖ Gambit #MarvelMove ‖ X-Less #MHA ‖ Mont-d'Or #OnePiece ‖ Irie #Higurashi ‖ Kaneda #Aoashi ‖ Aoi #TheDemonPrinceofMomochiHouse

フォロー数:462 フォロワー数:1302

24. I don't want another shodo rep, so Akuma's out. And I feel like Chun-Li beats out Bison in terms of being iconic to her series. Besides, I think her playstyle would be really fun. Standard skin is her classic SF look, while alternates would see her in her Alpha series outfit.

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23. Who says it should always be Xenoblade that gets the rep? Let's go back to the start of it all, with Fei in Xenogears. I could use this as an excuse to get in Lucca from CT, but nah. Fei has his Deathblows and any of his Gears (Weltall/Xeno) could be a possible Final Smash.

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22. She might be an Echo Fighter, but Ms. Pac Man could have a few tricks up her sleeve. Chief among them is using the 『PAC BOOSTER』 to make her a faster character.

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21. King Hippo was my initial pick. But since he feels so similar to King K. Rool, I'm getting a little crazy here with Glass Joe instead. Make him a glass cannon twist on Lucario: starts off insanely weak, easy to launch, but the more damaged he is, the harder he hits.

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20. Captain N. You heard me right. With his side characters all present, it's time for a reunion! I know the Zapper is covered by Duck Hunt, but well... Do you think I care? Throw in Nester as a skin, too, fuck it.

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19. Bass just seems natural to me. You get a villain rep for Mega Man, plus he'd kinda be an Echo fighter so there'd be little work to actually get him in. Maybe tweaked a bit so he's faster and more of a rapid-fire kinda guy. Also able to aim in 8 directions. That's important.

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18. Damn, another game franchise I have no experience with. Therefore, my ignorant ass has to pick Scoot. Zip Zoom, motherfuckers. Zip Zoom.

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17. I don't play Pikmin. But I read through this guy's profile and he seems sketch. It's Louie! In addition to maybe using Bulbmin instead of Pikmin (also maybe he could eat them to regain %), he could have moves revolving around bug stuff. Because apparently that's a thing.

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16. Shadow? Pffbt. I say upgrade Knuckles' trophy to an actual character. He could play more like a heavy, share some moves with Sonic, but would have some sick recovery (able to cling to and move up and down walls) and have an almost perfectly horizontal glide with a hitbox.

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15. Two words: Cyborg Ninja. Yeah, more swordbois, so I guess I lied earlier. Both Gray Fox and Raiden wrapped into one character is ideal, with different skins being either character. Emphasis on destroying projectiles with their HF blade attacks, but very fast. Much zoom.

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