

Writer Guy and sometimes comics guy- he/him

フォロー数:1384 フォロワー数:25176

22. Quilava
The best thing I can say about Quilava is at least it’s not Typhlosion

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24. Dartrix
How you can take one of the best Pokemon designs and evolve it to something so unappealing… a perfect example of the awkward middle phase

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25. Combusken
A fool of a Pokemon, an unwanted rascal

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26. Servine
Somehow Snivy got more smug and unlikable

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1. Bulbasaur
Anyone who’s followed me for a time would’ve seen this coming. One of the all time greats, perhaps the all time great Pokémon of all time. But that’s enough from me, take it away Bulbasaur!

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2. Rowlett
Truly masterful design. I couldn’t have even dreamed of something so wonderful in a thousand lifetimes

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3. Pikachu
I mean it’s Pikachu man. He’s flawless. I wouldn’t change a single thing about them.

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4. Turtwig
One of the best Pokémon ever designed. Reminds us that good starters are simple, with a good and distinctive twist (ie a twig)

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5. Chikorita
This guy gets a bad rap because everyone’s so jealous of it’s weird head. Absolutely wonderful chum

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6. Squirtle
Doesn’t quite cut it as the top turtle on the list, but a classic nonetheless

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