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With the creepy cops trying to catch me, it's bad timing. But, Katya's been bugging me to change my avi, cause of something new on https://t.co/SXDszikkQB
I hate posing for pics! Still… you know what to do if you think I should keep it.
In case they catch me! THEY is THEM! (behind me!!!)
Okay, so I figured out why my tap water wasn't working! JAIME!?!
Nevermind! Will stay hydrated, someone gifted me a fridge full of UFO syrup soda!
Retweet if you're ready for another day of Poppy Valley High's approved answers!
.@CRC_Jaime @CRC_Katya: What is she doing here!?
How's she just sitting there like she was reincarnated from a slime to a person??
We should be opening the conspiracy research request letter now, but…
It's pizza rolls day!!!
With everything that's happened, I forgot my lunch money. Luckily Jaime offered to split his in half with me!
This is no good! All the doors are locked, even the cafeteria's mini delivery door!
We're not getting in tonight. We'll just have to wait.
Retweet if your head hurts, you feel like you swam through a sewer, and want a day off.
I need a day of cryptopedia deep dives.
This is the pool. Jaime says we have to jump right away. You guys, if you see the stars falling, go to sleep! I'm not sure if it will help, but give it a try, even if it might seem hard!