

Interested in people, humanity and all things bright and beautiful!

フォロー数:2245 フォロワー数:2021

Here’s to the poets, romantics, lovers, creators, and all those who inspire beauty and love ❤️ you make this world a beautiful place!

16 103

She focused her thoughts on beauty and love, strengthen herself with knowledge and confidence, observed in reverent silence, and with each courageous step, she humbly changed the world, one word, one act, one life at a time….never expecting anything in return.

8 43

Whatever you do, do it 100% with all your heart and effort . Whether it’s the simple things in life that we take for granted, like eating..or the complex problem solving that stretches our brain…give it everything you have and reap the vibrance of a life well lived!

19 73

Quiet the external voices and pay no attention to the naysayers. Always move forward. You are destined for your own greatness , and it belongs to you and those who participate in building you up!

25 108

I know I made you wait my love, in our previous lifetime…and in this time, I serve my penance, patiently awaiting your return to my arms. Please forgive me, and stop my longing. It was, is, and has always been you…..

36 126

And through the pain, she found her light….even if only a glimmer. She used it to set the world on fire and when they saw her they bowed with gratitude, and she grew stronger, fueling her world.

19 116