

CTSP #Nft official ⭐️ / @LitemintHQ verified / $xlm blockchains / We want to be loved by the mountains, birds, winds and sea.🅿️ / LUV 🫶

フォロー数:329 フォロワー数:261

Thank you for allowing me to join the My name is and I am an active in The new just dropped.🙏 We are auction running a few items!🙇🏻‍♂️LINK👉 $XLM ☮️

7 21

アリガトステラー13と、19はレアなグリーンラベルです。13は に出てきそうなラッパー風にイメージしました。19は全体にグリーンです。21をグリーンラベルとしてドロップしましたが、失敗したのでバーンしました。なので、21は違う形でドロップします。ありがとうございます!#nfts

1 5

Dear wonderful community 18 is a white t-shirt.👑 6 multiple issues.🖼 By the way, Arigato Stellar 04 was also issued in multiples.🙌✨ $lsp LNK🦋

4 19

Hello, I would like to introduce you to the of is a story about YOSSHI the painter and his growth to enlightenment.🙏 He looks naughty but he is actually the type of person who is in his shell.😌Thank you for your support

1 10