

Founder @0xvalley

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Ether fan art is insane. Who’s ready for round 3?

369 1557

Kiriko looks awfully familiar ⛩️

16 168

Azuki has been a stable coin at 6-7eth.
If only there was a strong catalyst coming within 2 weeks..

42 283

Rewkang with the 37 Azuki sweep
for 366 eth

Truly a beanwhale.eth

7 81

If anyone wanted a solid entry to Azuki

24 433

4/20 is going to be a big day

Get ready

11 109

The strongest projects stand out on their own and establish their own trend

These are the upcoming NFT projects to keep an eye on👇🏽

27 148

Congrats to with the legendary buy

The bald monk has found a home


5 210

T-2 days until Azuki announcement

I’m not sure what surprises have in store but I am confident that Azuki will be among the biggest web 3 brand long term

4 110