

Creator of (@ourmindgames ) Part Time Artist. Compilation maker. Amateur Voice Actor. They/Them

フォロー数:436 フォロワー数:634

"best fwen beb" - god makes my skin crawl immediately

0 6

No ring fit today as period cramps hitting me HARD AF. Taken pain meds and sat with heat pad for a while to try and calm it down before my meetings 🤣🤣🤣

0 9

Late night oxventure doodles with caitlin, got inspired to draw an... event from today's session :D aka the most adorable mass murderer on the planet (rip and the fear we all had of pru before this)

1 22

my programs gone from taking an hour to run, to taking a minute...

unsure if code is better or just broken

0 9

So my WiFi broke halfway through my DND session today and in the 20 minutes it took to fix, my players... Lost it.

1 24

did another set of auditions (didnt get the last one but was still fun!), this time got handed a second piece to read and it involved essentially breaking down mid-sentence. was remarkably good at it.... hmm. *i wonder why*

0 12

Genuinely made myself snigger by thinking the phrase:

"Coughs and sneasels spread diseases"

11/10 me

2 8

It's always a bit odd when lecturers get annoyed at you working together on courseworks and accuse you of cheating, when they constantly talk about the importance of working together on projects.

0 11