CakeThatIsAll 🌽さんのプロフィール画像

CakeThatIsAll 🌽さんのイラストまとめ

Reclusive weeb. I mostly just RT, but I also like art and ludology !!
Sukonbu/すこん部 🌽
ENG/ESP/日本語 OK!…

フォロー数:1339 フォロワー数:133

It was a ton of fun, the dialogue and the characters were super good. The moments looking into the past of Jill is tragic, but with a really sweet message.

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Finished VA-11 Hall-A!! Appropriately fitting considering the game ends on New Year's.

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DR2 is my favorite in the series. I love the characters and how wild they are. The trials are full of suspense and a whole lot of tears. The setting is also one I really enjoyed. The last 2 chapters are super good.

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Shame there won't be any more servant charas like Archer in MB:TL (at least for a while) but Dantes is one of my favorite servants and I loved Ushi's role in Babylonia so I can work with this. It's nice to have reassurance for other Type-Moon charas from now on though LOL

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Ar Tonelico!! You can talk to the girls in these visual novel segments and can go inside their minds to see the good and bad side, they're all really well developed, and the director is a big otaku so most outfits is stuff like maid outfits or Chinese dresses.

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Few minutes have passed, a little better now (not really). WA2 had some amazing imagery that's quite hard to describe, the overall atmosphere was so charming and the music was incredible.

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I probably won't do Ace Attorney 2 anytime soon though, I really wanna finish White Album 2 first...

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Finished Ace Attorney 1!! I started this when I was like 10 years old but never finished Case 5 til now, I'm glad I did, it's so impactful and filled with heart. This and Case 4 has solidified my opinion on Edgeworth as my favorite chara so far. Ema was great to have around too.

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Finished Saya no Uta...
it was gud

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