

Distilled Starlight✨/ Icon of Abject Eldritch Terror☄️ (She/Her)
Raids and Dungeons @Bungie
Tweets represent nothing and nobody.
Personal projects exist too.

フォロー数:164 フォロワー数:554

Show me 3 games that inspired you to become a game dev...

...and 1 that keeps you inspired to be a game dev.✨🔥

1 6

I made an literal and accurate digital reproduction of my dream art after I got out of bed, and will now present it for you here coupled with the question: "Wtf?" (Also I'm still laughing about it whenever I see this pic). (3/3)

1 2

High school vs now. Guess now I know why I was so angry all the time back then >_<

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